Learning and Teaching at Early Years

The Kindergarten and Reception classes provide education for children from 2½ to 5 years, and the learning follows the EYFS requirements to develop skills in seven separate areas:

Prime areas:  

  • Communication and language
  • Physical
  • Personal, social and emotional development

Other areas:  

  • Mathematics
  • Literacy
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

The curriculum is structured to allow an excellent balance between teacher-initiated and pupil-initiated activities. We want our pupils to be enthused by their learning and engaged with it; we recognise that children need to be able to shape their learning and share their ideas.

The mornings include work with a letters and sounds reading programme, mathematics and language. The department adopts a topic-based approach to learning, with a range of activities in the afternoons that include art, music, cooking and physical education.

We provide the 2 year progress check for parents, as well as the EYFS profile report at the end of Reception Year, which is also shared with the Year 1 teacher. Parents are welcome to look at their child’s learning portfolio at any time and these are readily available in the classrooms.