Year 5’s Plastic Bag Experiments

Year 5 were testing the tensile strength of different plastic bags in their most recent Science experiment. They all made a prediction for which bag would be the strongest and which bag would be the weakest. Each pair were testing the strength of a different type of bag and then they shared the results with the rest of the class at the end of the experiment. They learnt lots of new vocabulary in this lesson including tensile strength, independent variable, dependent variable and fair test. The lesson was very noisy with all the weights crashing down on the tables.

Douglas – My prediction was half right, I correctly predicted the weakest bag but not the strongest. I learnt what tensile strength is and I enjoyed adding the weights to the bag.

Mia – I predicted the correct bag for the weakest but did not predict the strongest correctly. I learnt how many grams it takes to break a Normanhurst School Plastic bag.