Slime, Crime and Telling the Time in Year 5 Science Week

“From 11-15 March, it was Science Week. Science Week was completely, amazingly, fantastically, crazily, wildly, fabulously, supercalafragiously, mind-blowingly awesome!

The first thing we did was watch Year 10 and Mrs Cooper doing ‘science of eggs’. It was ‘eggcelent’… Some people say that joke cracks them up! They did loads of cool egg stuff! After that, we went to the ‘Sublime’ Science workshop. That one was my favourite one and you are going to find out why… we made AMAZING fake snow! Then we made real life edible sherbet. After that, we made slime. On Tuesday, we set up a tank for real sea-dragons/Triops. Then, we went to our ‘Forensic’ Science workshop’ with Year 6. We had to solve a case of a stolen dog using the traces left behind. We all solved the case correctly.

On Wednesday, we studied ‘women in science’ and we each made a poster. On Thursday, we powered a clock, wait for it, using…. Lemons! Yes we did! I know you don’t believe me, but we used lemons. We had some help from wires but the power came from the lemons. On Friday, we did physics and set chain reactions using Lego.

My favourite things we: Forensic Science, Sublime Science and working with my friends. I have a few words… SCIENCE IS AWESOME!” –Mia

“On Monday 11 March to Friday 15 March Normanhurst School had Science Week. On Monday, the whole school had a Science assembly run by Mrs Cooper (the Science teacher) it was about eggs and it was ‘eggcellent’. After that, Year 5 and 6 went to the Sublime Science workshop it was very fun because we got to eat, feel play with slime, snow and sweets, it was so fun! On Tuesday Year 5 learnt about the lifecycle of triops and then we had instructions of how to make them hatch, it was very interesting and I learnt a lot.

Next Year 5 and 6 went to a Forensic Science workshop and we had to find evidence of who stole the dog. I felt ecstatic. On Wednesday, it was half way through the week. Year 5 learnt about women in Science and Miss stone (Year 5 teacher) read us a book. She then gave us copied sheets of book and we did a poster. I did one on Mamie Phipps Carle, Sau Lan Wu and Mary Anning, it was very colourful.

On Thursday we built a clock that was powered by a lemon and how we did that was by cutting a lemon in half then stabbing zinc and copper into the lemon to make it work. On Friday – that was the funniest day – we made chain reactions out of Lego and I made a ramp and a lever it was so fun because I kept making it fall because I have bad luck.

I enjoyed the Sublime Science, Forensic Science and Lego chain reactions and I learnt finger prints shapes, how to make slime and about chain reactions.” –Amber