A Fun Trip to Kidzania

“On 28 March 2019, Year 3 to Year 6 went to Kidzania. Kidzania is a place where children can do jobs that they might do when they are grown-ups. The reason we went there is because PSHE stands for personal, social and health education and we had to make personal choices and have educational fun.

I did a cleaner job with my friend Olivia and we had to spray a liquid on the window, then we had a screen wiper to dry the window with, after that we used a scraper to scrape extra water off.

The next job I did was called Just Dance, where we had to choose a song and dance to it.  We could only dance like the person on the screen and it took 3 minutes per song.

The last activity we did was working in the theatre where we took part in different shows including Goldilocks and Moana. I liked doing all of the jobs equally.

I would give the trip 5 stars out of five because it was really fun and entertaining. I would recommend it to children aged 4-11 as it was fun to see what kind of jobs they might be interested in when they are adults.”

By Eloise, Year 4