Maths Week For Year 4!

Year have had a week filled with maths fun. Here’s what Aarush had to say about it:

“Maths Week was really exhilarating, I am sad that it is over. On the first day we had a lot of fun, we looked at the history of Archimedes a Greek Mathematician. On the second day, we completed a fact file, I liked that Archimedes discovered the Archimedes Principle in his bathtub and ran around the streets screaming… EUREKA!

We were inspired by the story of Archimedes and the Golden Crown and used it as inspiration for a science experiment. We measured volumes of water and watched how the volume changed as we added cubes to the liquid. We observed the increase and were even able to calculate the density of 21 cubes using the equation mass divided by volume, just as Archimedes had done with the king’s golden crown.

On Wednesday, we had a treasure hunt, my team came second. This was fun because we got to run around a lot and I like being competitive!

On Thursday, we celebrated 100 days of being in school I loved completing 100 exercises the most and I wore a jumper with a word problem answering 100. Finally we made a tower out of 100 cups and made exciting maths board games, mine was all about lava!”