Year 6 Visit The Museum Of London

This autumn term, Year 6 have been studying their local area and looking at how they could improve Chingford to be more sustainable. In order to further develop their understanding of an ‘evolving city’ concept, they visited the Museum of London. Pupils learnt how hunters and gatherers lived in London and surrounding areas and what their settlements looked like. They then moved onto the Roman invasion of the city and learnt how the Romans expanded the city after developing it drastically in such a short time.

Later on during their visit, Year 6 pupils also learnt how Anglo-Saxons settled in London after the Romans left. They had the opportunity to sit in an Anglo-Saxon house and look at various household items that were essential at the time. They also learnt about the plague and the Great Fire of London before visiting a Victorian street, where they looked at various shops and artefacts from the era.

It was a great day and it enabled the children to understand how London evolved in order to become the city it is today.


The Year 6 pupils were also lucky to come across a display about the life of Harry Kane and had a close look at his personal belongings which ranged from his primary school books to his football kits.