Maths House Challenge 2022!

Mrs Mouslmani, Head of Maths in the Seniors, organised an exciting House Event for pupils in Years 5-11 – a Maths House Challenge! Pupils from each year group were chosen to represent their houses in either a Head to Head Challenge or participate as part of the team Maths challenge in order to win points for their team. Audience members were able to support in the Head to Head round, should the pupil choose the ‘ask the audience option’, they also earnt points for their house during the interactive Kahoot Quiz and by completing a cross-number too. All of the pupils had a fantastic time and some were even quoted to have said ‘Maths is actually fun!’ Mrs Mouslmani is busy checking all the points earnt at the event and the winners be announced  at the Celebration Assemblies held at the end of term, watch this space…