Aims and Values


At our school we aim to:

  • Be a secure and safe community in which each child can achieve academically and personally.
  • Help children develop a clear sense of right from wrong and take responsibility for their own actions.
  • Provide a broad curriculum with a variety of activities that offer stimulating opportunities in which pupils can develop lively, enquiring minds as well as individual talents.
  • Prepare each child for their next school to suit both their character and academic ability.
  • Develop the skills and attributes children need to face the future with confidence.
  • Foster in our pupils a positive attitude towards themselves and others, and treat everybody equally, showing tolerance and understanding.
  • Nurture a strong sense of family in which there is care and respect amongst pupils, parents and staff.
  • Give opportunities to develop leadership skills and encourage independence and cooperation.


We respect ourselves, each other and others’ opinions.
We are fair and show kindness to others.
We understand the school rules and care for the physical environment.

We show sympathy, empathy, honesty to those around us.
We understand others and want them to understand us.
We are trustworthy and compassionate to those around us.

We do not bow to peer pressure.
We have the conviction to stand up for what we think is right.
We are brave, resourceful and take risks.

We believe in ourselves.
We overcome any physical or mental barriers to achieve.
We persevere and show resilience.

We always give our best.
We give the maximum of effort to achieve our goals.
We exceed all expectations.