Year 9 Options

Please browse the videos below where each teacher has produced a short introduction to their subject, including exams, course content and future career paths.


Mrs Coates talks about the two qualifications at English GCSE – English Language and English Literature.


Mr Christou talks about GCSE Maths.

Combined Science

Mrs Jayaram explains what GCSE Science involves.

Triple Science

Mrs Jayaram speaks about Triple Science and what to think about if students are considering taking this option.

Modern Foreign Languages

Ms Bonella and Mrs Kimpton talk about French and Spanish at GCSE level, including what modules students would cover.


Miss Deen breaks down the Geography GCSE exam papers and details the topics students would cover during the course.


Ms Marks talks about the four topics taught during GCSE History and why students should study the subject.


Ms Marks details the topics students will covered during GCSE RS.

Business Studies

Mr Botha lists the six units GCSE Business Studies students will learn and the future studies the subject enables.

Computer Science

Mr Ram talks about the three separate topics that make up GCSE Computer Science.


Mr Banks speaks about taking GCSE PE and how the topic is taught at Normanhurst.

Art & Design

Mrs Parrott talks about the two options the art department offer for GCSE – Fine Art and Graphic Communications.


Mrs Jones breaks down the assessment topics for any students considering taking Music  at GCSE.


Mrs Kazim talks about the three components of GCSE Drama and the careers drama students go on to do.